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Recruitment Coordinator

Arriving in France from Chile by the year 2019, with a degree in Work Psychology and experience in different recruitment missions, I landed in Paris to have new adventures at the professional level. After some first steps into the Parisian life, I finished a master’s degree in Human Resources, taken in compatibility with my prior academic background, which helped me to enhance my skills and to be able to position myself in the market.

Always having an interest for the creative minds, and for fashion itself as a field, I had nice opportunities within the HR department of a beautiful french brand of accessories, and here was where I got the insight of what I wanted to pursue professionally, where all my skills, knowledge and experiences get translated into a goal : develop my career in recruitment inside the creative industries.


Finding a focus of the path I wanted to follow, I found out about the project of LBR, which values strongly resonated with mines, where I wanted over everything else, keep the human touch inside the recruitment process in the creative fields, which is the spark that makes the art take form and become the product of a whole process, in which where I wanted to contribute somehow.


Having passed experiences into the big groups of the fashion field, destiny crossed my way with Juliette and Antoine a second time, in which where after a nice meeting and warm exchange they decided to make me part of the project, which I happily accepted and I shared the vision: bring the human side in our field, and keep surprising myself in this creative and passionate domain.

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