Founder, Managing Director
Carlos García Escobar
Recruitment CoordinatorRetail Recruitment Consultant
In 2018, after 15 years spent learning the profession of recruiter in high-end agencies, Juliette Pourrat jumps in and starts to shape the agency she has always dreamed of: human, kind and simple.
Les Belles Rencontres were born. And very soon, her intuition pays off. Juliette works closely with diverse actors of the creative industries, and she specializes in product professions.
Antoine Ayiotis joins her in 2019 and they become partners in 2024. Antoine has a strong experience of 5 years in general HR matters management within a French group of department stores.
Together, they carry an off the beaten track vision of the recruiter profession and they make the agency grow. They broaden their horizons towards other professions, and they speak up through a podcast channel, and they share daily inspirations and events.
LBR, the agency’s initials stand for firmly LiBeRated, fundamentally LaBoRatory-driven and quality of work-conscious: the LaBouR as a core.
Today LBR, it is more than 35 companies assisted on the long term and more than 50 recruitments carefully and expertly carried out.